Dr. John-Robert Skrzepski

Bar Certified Specialist Employment Lawyer
Bar Certified Specialist Trade and Corporate Lawyer

John-Robert Skrzepski was admitted to the bar in 2008. Prior to joining our firm, he was amongst others a partner in two recognised commercial law firms in Hamburg. He has joined Heissner & Struck in 2019 and has become a partner with the beginning of 2022.

As a consultant and litigator, John-Robert Skrzepski advises medium-sized companies and private individuals throughout Germany. In addition to individual and collective labour law, his particular areas of expertise include the continuous support of legal and personnel departments in a wide range of decisions and implementations. In commercial and corporate law, he advises on the achievement of corporate goals, the drafting of contracts of corporations and solving disputes between shareholders as well as between the shareholders and the responsible management.

His legal and strategic advice is appreciated by shareholders and employers as well as by board members, managing directors, executives and senior employees.


Dr. Skrzepski studied at the Universities of Greifswald, Graz/Austria and Sheffield/England. From 2001 to 2005 he was research assistant and study advisor at the Chair for Civil and Labour Law at the Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald. In 2007 he received his Doctor`s degree. His practical legal training included positions at an international company and commercial law firms in Hamburg and London.


German, English


“Die gewerbliche Fremdfinanzierung von Prozessen gegen Erfolgsbeteiligung“ (Commercial External Financing of Lawsuits against Profit Sharing), Dissertation 2008

„A New Federal Government in Germany – Objectives and Legislative Initiatives of the Grand Coalition in the Context of Economic Law, in particular Labour Law”, published in Mandarin e.g. in “InfoBrief Germany” of the Taiwan Chamber of Foreign Trade 2/2014


P: (Mrs. Laasch-Borham, Personal
Assistant) +49(40) 413 05 38-0
F: +49(40) 480 23 32

E: jrs@heissner-struck.de


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